How we are dealing with the Corona Virus

In order to return to classes safely can we please ensure we follow the guidelines below

1. Please do not attend if you or anyone in your household/support bubble has coronavirus symptoms as per the NHS website Anyone showing coronavirus symptoms will be sent home.
2. Please ensure you are aware of current social distancing guidelines
3. Face mask required - However certain medical conditions this can be relaxed 
4. Bring minimum belongings
5. External doors will be open
6. Hand sanitiser provided at building entrance/exit and needs to be used when coming in and leaving.
7. Please arrive in the clothes you are training in including shoes. No training without footwear. No changing in the building
8. Please try not to touch any part of the building and contents apart from footwear on the floor and storing belongings.
9. Online payment only either bank transfer or PayPal
10. 1st class will finish 5 mins early and 2nd will start 5 minutes late to accommodate change over and any required cleaning (applies if 2nd class)
11. Please arrive on time for 2nd class and not before to avoid waiting outside. If early please do not wait on ramp. This will allow 1st class to leave and please do not wait on the pavement. ***
12. Parking spaces are limited, there is free parking near the hall.  Please maintain social distancing while waiting, entering the building, training and leaving the building.
13. Please go toilet before you leave home. Obviously though if you've got to go during class you've got to go! Please ensure hands are washed if so.
14. Bring own water if required.
15. Nothing to be passes from one person to another

Please also note the insurers the BCCMA use are stating there is a blanket wide Covid-19 market exclusion for Public Liability claims arising from the virus so basically in that respect you take part at your own risk.

However strict safe practices over and above the BCCMA recommendations will be in place as detailed.

Please reply confirming you are OK with the above.

Any issues please contact me.